Attitude & Values

Our Attitude

Empathetic. Creative. Results oriented.

We combine strategic thinking, empathy and a hands-on implementation approach. Our consulting processes are characterized not by creative chaos, but by systematic working methods.

Through close collaboration with universities, we keep innovative leadership techniques and HR concepts up to date. However, our consultants do not teach from the pulpit, but rather actively help with implementation.

Relacta stands for reflect + act. We at Reflacta love and live clarity and honesty in communication. We invite our customers to do the same.

Our Values

Meticulous.  Efficient.  Honest.

For us, quality means that we achieve agreed goals in an economically sensible and time-efficient manner. The basis for this promise is our approach of tailoring all processes instead of offering them off the shelf. This way, we avoid the seduction of well-trodden standard solution paths. Yesterday's answers and tools rarely fit questions to come.

We maintain a partnership-based collaboration with our customers. In concrete terms, this means: personally committed and always open, uncomplicated, straightforward. No backstabbing, no hidden agenda.

We say what we think and do what we say. The best conditions for trust and success for everyone involved.

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